Dear Mimi,
Being a mother is difficult, more difficult than most any other job. To be a rocket scientist you just need some hard work and the willingness to study. To be a doctor you just need to be able to memorize, grow and apply. To be a lawyer you need to understand the human psyche. To be a mother, you need all of that and more. You need to be a rocket scientist, a doctor, a lawyer, a teacher, an engineer, a librarian and the list goes on. And yet you do it. You become each and every one of those for me. You treat me when I’m sick, you teach me when I’m curious and you learn when you’re missing out on something. You listen to my rants, whether it starts with “Did you know?” or “By the way”. You read to and with me, no matter how bad the book. You’ve taken on a big responsibility in adopting a dog because that’s what I’ve always wanted. You do everything you abhor just because it would make me happy. You’ve sacrificed a lot to be my mother, things not very many people would be willing to sacrifice, but you do so with a smile and a hug, never complaining about it. In being my mother, you have fully given yourself to loving me and it’s genuinely beautiful.
Scientifically speaking, love is just a chemical process in the brain. Hormones and enzymes and chemicals even I can’t pronounce that have evolved in us over thousands of years because loving gave us community and security. We often do things because somewhere deep down, they’re practical, whether we know it or not. Yet you’ve also shown me that loving goes beyond what is practical. It’s not always practical for you to sit down and talk with me about my day when you have so much work to do. It’s not always practical to call me almost every night when you’re away on a work trip and just want to fall asleep. It’s not always practical to wake up early every day to ensure that I have a healthy meal when you could get more rest. It’s not always practical to let me make my mistakes, knowing you could prevent it. But you do so anyway. You love me and so you talk to me, laugh with me, cry with me and help me when I trip up, and I’m quite clumsy. In being my mother you’ve given up what is practical for you because it’s something that might bring you closer to me.
Not everyone is blessed with a mother like you, and I’m unbelievably lucky to have been born to a mother who genuinely cares for me. Who loves me with her entire heart, and has risked so much just to make sure I have only the best. This mother’s day isn’t just dedicated to you as a mother or to you as a person. This mother’s day is dedicated to the role model that you are to not just me but every one of my friends. This mother’s day is dedicated to your love.
All The Love In The World,