What is so special about the number 69 ?
If you ask Sheldon Cooper he would probably say , ohh its the atomic number of a Lanthanide which are all part of rare earth material which the whole world can’t find enough of .
If you would have asked a mathematician say Nicholas Metropolis (of Monte Carlo method fame) he would have jumped on to say oh that’s a lucky number
Fun fact 692 (4761) and 693 (328509) together use every decimal digit from 0–9 and on many calculators, the highest factorial that can be calculated is 69!.
Aside those facts , there is another extremely important fact very dear to me . If Ma (Mrs. Chhanda Mukherjee) would have been alive today , her age would have hit the magic number of 69 on May 6 2022. But that was never to be ….
But then why can’t be believe she is ? May be, she is sitting in a different plane of existence chitchatting with the higher forces or may be she is going on with her regular tasks in the multiverse which we just haven’t discovered yet as Dr. Strange is probably still the egotistical surgeon and yet to find the doors to multiverse.
Where ever she is , I am sure she is probably either cooking some of the delicious food , feeding everyone , teaching a kid , feeding the stray dogs , helping some poor person or chatting with the rickshaw driver.
What ever she is doing , I pray that she keeps on doing what she did the best
- Immensely loved everyone she came across, caste, creed, color, wealth no bar
- Keep on the tradition of teaching in her own fun way … sure I am one of her students, but there are countless more who can vouch for that
- Remain the great human being .. helping the poor, the needy without ever letting anyone know
- Keep on living the mantra … “do good, good will happen to you” .
Let’s start at the very beginningA very good place to start