Generally i have been making a blog post on the day / anniversary of the event . Don’t think there has been any rhyme or reason behind but just what came out of my pen/ keyboard to put some words to my feelings.This time though, my hands froze yet again. I started to write and something within myself just didn’t let me write , may be it was the sorrow , may be it was the same feeling of being orphan or may be it was the denial .
It took me a week to gather the courage enough to pen something down.
“Why” a question that i have been trying to ask
Since the fateful 3AM call dropped into my lap,
Answer probably a difficult task.
The tears flew like a pipe without tap.Memories are everything that l am left with today
Remembrance of the days together somewhere in the nook
With a thought if there was anything i could for this to delay
Answers vaguely pointing only to the historical life’s scrapbook.The year turned towards the defining year One,
All we wish for you today,
Where ever you are let there be happiness & fun.
Words and tears are all i have to left to pray and relay.Hoping the spring seem better,
After the chilly winter
Hoping the rain bring smile
After those months of hot summer exile
Hoping for the nature shows me the path to deal with the pain
Hoping for the sunshine after the rain