For those who are know me personally and/or follow me on Twitter / Buzz know that I have been in the moving phase from Munich to Mannheim for the past few weeks due to my change of job. We finally concluded (probably the most incorrect word for the context) our move end of last month. To correctly put it we shifted homes but have started living out of box.
While most of the people do not like this because it gives a feeling of being unsettled and unorganized, this past few weeks have actually made me see the positive side of it.
In the 32 years of life I have been pretty lucky to move bases to many places many times and though I hate moving , I love unpacking because it signifies the opportunity for a fresh start. It allows me to evaluate my organizational processes and make changes, experiment and have a little fun. In a day to day life when settled it is really hard to take an objective look at your processes. It makes it even harder to make real changes. Some one once told me that the biggest secret to a happy life is to “change” and it cannot be closer to truth than anything else. When changing it helps to get rid of things which you always wanted to throw but never got a chance or the desire to go out to throw.
When you move, however, especially when it includes a job change as well which has been in my case, it provides the perfect opportunity for this type of self-evaluation. It is the only time when you actually take a step out of the comfort zone and believe me from personal experience it is really a very hard job. At the end though you can evaluate your self which is greater than any other evaluation that you go through.
That being said we are finally moving “out of the box” as we finally got our kitchen yesterday and part of our furniture . Though it is still not over the cleaning and evaluation continues for a few more days till we are back to “settled” and out from “living out of box”.
All our friends and family members are ofcourse welcome to our “new” home 🙂
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